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Take Action! Protect abortion rights, contact your Senators, rally!


In light of the revelations last night that a draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade has the support of a majority of Supreme Court justices, FFRF is asking you to act! Roe v. Wade protects a fundamental right imperiled by religiously motivated politicians and the Supreme Court majority.

Here are immediate steps you can take to flex your secular support for abortion rights.

Contact your U.S. senator now to urge passage of the Women’s Health Protection Act (HR 3755), which has passed the House but is languishing in the Senate. It would codify the protections of Roe v. Wade even if the Supreme Court overturns it, as looks inevitable. Take a moment below to use our automated system to make your voice heard.

It’s vital that candidates, public officials and judges see massive resistance to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Rallies are being called around the nation today at 5 p.m. (your time) in town squares, federal courthouses and buildings. It’s free to sign up at Planned Parenthood’s website to find out what’s happening today or in the future in your community.

Read FFRF’s statement for other constructive ways to act and Barbara Alvarez’s helpful blog on how to speak up.

If you have not previously signed up for action alerts using FFRF’s new system, which debuted Feb. 3, 2022, there is a one-time requirement to fill in your name, email and address. Then our system will remember you and connect you to the correct governmental offices. (If you move addresses, please update this information accordingly.)


Freedom From Religion Foundation