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Support HHS rule expanding access to family planning


The Department of Health and Human Services has published a new proposed rule to reverse the Trump administration’s cruel attacks on Title X, the federal program providing family planning and other health care screening to low-income patients. Please take a moment to submit a public comment to support this proposal to expand equitable, affordable family planning services.

Under pressure from religious megadonors, the Trump administration instituted the domestic gag rule, which stripped public funding under Title X from health care providers offering abortion services or information. This callous and shortsighted policy change specifically targeted Planned Parenthood clinics, endangering the health care and safety of millions of women across the country and leaving many underserved communities scrambling to find new providers or going without services entirely.

The proposal, “Ensuring Access to Equitable, Affordable, Client-Centered, Quality Family Planning Services,” will reverse the Trump gag rule, restore funding to health care providers who offer abortion services or referral, and advance public health by expanding access to health care for underserved Americans.

Read FFRF’s full comment in support of the new proposed rule.

Submit a formal comment on this to the Department of Health and Human Services proposal via the Federal Registrar. Follow the brief steps below. Feel free to copy and paste or adapt the talking points provided. The public comment period on these HHS rules is open until Monday, May 17.

  1. Click on the red “Take Action!” link below. You will be taken to the comment page.
  2. Click on the green button in the upper right corner that reads “Submit a Formal Comment.”
  3. Fill out the prompt provided.


I strongly support the new Department of Health and Human Services proposed rule change “Ensuring Access to Equitable, Affordable, Client-Centered, Quality Family Planning Services,” which will overturn the domestic gag rule. Expanding health care access for underserved Americans is critical, including access to comprehensive family planning services and abortion services. As a secular nation, we must not allow the religious motivations of the few to dictate the health care of millions of women.


Freedom From Religion Foundation