Mississippi Secretary of State Michael Watson is promoting a bill that would put “In God We Trust” on the official seal of his state office. Watson has advocated for this change because it “signals Mississippi’s allegiance to God as well as our country.”
We need you to tell your lawmakers that “In God We Trust” has no place on any official state seal.
This bill, S.B. 2131, and others like it are thinly veiled attempts to peddle religiosity and equate patriotism with piety. They are about advancing the Big Lie that the United States was “founded on God” or Christianity, dismantling the wall between religion and government. The motto “In God We Trust” is inaccurate, exclusionary and aimed at brainwashing Americans into believing that our nation is a theocracy.
This bill has already passed the state Senate and is headed to the House of Representatives for a vote. Please use our simple, automated system to contact your state representative and urge them to vote no on S.B. 2131. Click on the red “Take Action” link and follow the prompt provided. Feel free to use or adapt the talking points provided.