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Protect abortion access in Oklahoma


The Oklahoma Legislature is advancing two anti-choice bills that gravely endanger access to abortion in the state. Both bills have already passed one chamber of the Statehouse, so this may be our last chance to stop them. Please take a few moments to oppose these dangerous bills.

The first, HB 2241, is an extremely strict so-called “fetal heartbeat” bill that would outlaw abortion after six weeks of pregnancy has been introduced. Six-week abortion bans, also commonly misrepresented as “heartbeat bills,” are a favorite of the anti-choice Religious Right, intended to outlaw abortion after an embryonic pulse (not heartbeat) can be detected (as early as five weeks). Most women do not even know they are pregnant that early, which is, of course, the point.

The second, HB 1904, would establish a new requirement that any doctor performing an abortion must be board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology. This is a so-called TRAP law meant to make abortion more difficult to obtain.

Legislation designed to curb access to abortion services aims to codify into law beliefs not based on science or morality, but on religion and so-called holy books. The Christian Right has been and remains the primary opponent to women’s reproductive rights.

The Oklahoma Senate Committee on Health and Human Services has a hearing scheduled on these bills on Monday, March 29, at 2 p.m. local time. Click on the red “Take Action” link below to use our automated system to contact all members of this committee and urge them to oppose these bills. Feel free to use or adapt the talking points provided.


Freedom From Religion Foundation