Please resist ‘In God We Trust’ on public buildings


The Missouri Legislature is considering two bills that would require every government-owned building to display “In God We Trust.” We need your help to ensure that Missouri residents are not subjected to government-sponsored proselytizing.

These two bills, HB 1712 and HB 1294, are part of the nationwide legislative push Project Blitz, which seeks to inject state legislatures across the country with a whole host of religious bills. It is an unvarnished attack on American secularism and civil liberties, imposing the theocratic vision of a powerful few on We The People.

While politicians claim that these laws are intended to showcase the national motto or inspire patriotism, it is clear that their true purpose is to peddle religiosity to a captive audience. These laws are about advancing the Big Lie that the United States was “founded on God” or Christianity, dismantling the wall between religion and government. The motto “In God We Trust” is inaccurate, exclusionary, and aimed at brainwashing American schoolchildren into believing that our nation is a theocracy.

These bills are currently in the early stages, so it’s critical that lawmakers hear opposition from constituents to stop both bills in their tracks. Please use our simple, automated system to contact your representative and ask that they reject this thinly veiled attempt to inject religion into our public schools. Feel free to use or adapt the talking point provided.


Freedom From Religion Foundation