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Oppose reinstatement of religious vaccine exemptions in Maine

Vaccines NJ

The Maine Legislature is again trying to reinstate religious vaccination exemptions, putting all Mainers at risk.

Please take a few moments to contact Maine lawmakers and urge them to oppose this dangerous bill (LD 833).

These exemptions were removed in 2019, and a statewide mandate to overturn that change was resoundly defeated, showing a strong public consensus that Maine residents do not want such nonmedical exemptions.

It is critical that we counter the influence of anti-science religious zealots, whose dangerous rhetoric has caused very serious and preventable infectious disease outbreaks in numerous states across the country. Most recently, this anti-science rhetoric has fueled the spread of Covid-19. And in the case of other infection disease outbreaks, such as measles, it’s been shown that states with the most relaxed exemption laws see the highest rates of infection.

The Maine Joint Education and Cultural Affairs Committee has a hearing on this bill tomorrow, Thursday, May 6, at 10 a.m. local time. Please stand against this dangerous bill that will put Mainers at risk due to the implications of other people’s religious dogma. Click on the red “Take Action” link below to contact all members of this committee and urge them to vote no on LD 833. Feel free to use or adapt the talking points provided.


Freedom From Religion Foundation