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Take Action: Urge your state rep to stop anti-abortion bill charging women with murder

HB 813, a bill that would completely outlaw abortion and allow women who terminate pregnancies to be charged with murder, is scheduled for a floor debate in the House this Thursday, May 12. Please urge your state representative to stand up against this outrageous bill. It includes explicitly religious language, describing human life as “created in the image of God” and spanning from “fertilization to natural death.” 

The bill codifies into law beliefs not based on science or morality, but on religion and so-called holy books. The Christian Right has been and remains the primary opponent to women’s reproductive rights, as shown in the leaked draft opinion from the Supreme Court on Roe v. Wade.
Please click on the red “Take Action” link below to email your state representative and state senator and urge them to reject HB 813. Feel free to use or adapt the talking points provided. Personalized messages are always the most impactful. For best results, be concise and polite.


Freedom From Religion Foundation