TAKE ACTION: Support conversion therapy ban in Puerto Rico



The Puerto Rico Legislature is considering a proposal to ban conversion therapy — and lawmakers need to hear your support for this bill.

The bill, PC 683, would protect LGBTQ Puerto Ricans from the barbaric, pseudoscientific religious treatment deceitfully called “conversion therapy” by restricting any licensed physician or mental health care professional in the state from engaging in the practice.

Conversion therapy is a dangerous and discredited practice aimed at altering a child’s sexual orientation or gender identity, often basing the “therapy” in religious shame and guilt. Many governmental health organizations have denounced the practice as both physically and psychologically traumatizing. Individuals who endure this so-called treatment are at a higher risk for suicide and depression. Read more.

The House Judiciary Committee will soon consider PC 683. Click on the red “Take Action” link below to contact all members of this committee and urge them to support PC 683. Feel free to use or adapt the talking points provided. If you prefer to contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee in Spanish, feel free to copy and paste the translated talking points below into the message box instead of the English version. Please also share this action alert with like-minded Puerto Ricans.

Como su elector, le insto a que apoye a PC 683, que prohíbe la terapia de conversión en Puerto Rico.

Se ha demostrado que la terapia de conversión es ineficaz y traumatizante física y psicológicamente para quienes se ven obligados a soportarla. Esta llamada “terapia” no solo ha sido ampliamente desacreditada en la profesión médica, sino que se ha demostrado que causa un daño significativo a quienes son sometidos a ella, incluido un mayor riesgo de depresión e intentos de suicidio.

En interés de la salud y el bienestar de los puertorriqueños LGBTQ, es imperativo que se apruebe este proyecto de ley y que los puertorriqueños proscriban esta práctica bárbara. Gracias por su tiempo.



Freedom From Religion Foundation