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Tell your rep: We need a National Day of Reason, not Prayer


We urge you to join us in calling for a National Day of Reason as an alternative to the congressionally mandated National Day of Prayer.

Introduced by four members of the Freethought Caucus, H.R. 947 would designate May 7 a “National Day of Reason” and recognize the “central importance of reason in the betterment of humanity.”

Please take a moment to ask your representative to support House Resolution 947 establishing a National Day of Reason.

The resolution reads, in part:

Whereas irrationality, magical thinking, and superstition have undermined the national effort to combat the COVID–19 pandemic, and reason is fundamental to creating an effective coordinated response to beat the virus involving the federal government, the states, and the scientific and medical communities;

Whereas America’s Founders insisted upon the primacy of reason and knowledge in public life, and drafted the Constitution to prevent official establishment of religion and to protect freedom of thought, speech, and inquiry in civil society; …

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the need to invest in reason, science-driven public policy. Many politicians at all levels of government have invoked religion and prayer as a response to this public health crisis in lieu of real action. We need more reason and less prayer in the country; a National Day of Reason, not a National Day of Prayer.

Please use this opportunity to remind your lawmakers that reason and fact-based public policy form our only tenable path forward. Urge them to support H.R. 947. Click on the red “Take Action” link below and follow the prompt provided. Personalized messages are always the most effective!


Freedom From Religion Foundation