URGENT! Tell Small Business Administration not to bail out churches


The Freedom From Religion Foundation is alarmed that the Small Business Administration will use the pandemic as an excuse to give a massive chunk of taxpayer funds to churches and other houses of worship.

As part of the federal governmentā€™s stimulus efforts to fight the coronavirus scourge and to protect American businesses, the Small Business Administration (SBA) is about to enact emergency regulations to determine which organizations will receive federal aid. Please tell the head of the SBA that you expect the constitutional separation between church and state to be followed, even in times of national emergencies, and that you do not want your tax dollars to be used, unconstitutionally, to aid churches or religion.

FFRF and other secular organizations have sent a letter to SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza, expressing our concerns. Weā€™ve asked SBA to follow its ordinary procedures by prohibiting any grants that would go to churches or houses of worship. Read this letter here. LINK

Please take a moment to file a formal comment about SBAā€™s emergency regulations. You can use the suggested talking points below, or write your own. Personalized, concise messages are the most effective.

You can email the SBA Administrator at [email protected], or send a letter to:

U.S. Small Business Administration
409 3rd St. SW
Washington, D.C. 20416


As a concerned taxpayer, I insist that my tax dollars be used only to fund secular businesses. In creating emergency regulations pursuant to the CARES Act, or any other form of relief during this time of crisis, please include provisions guaranteeing that funds will not be given to churches or houses of worship, or for any purposes that will advance religion.

We live in a secular democracy, founded on principles of religious liberty that require a healthy separation between state and church. This means that government funds must not be used to advance religion, even during a national emergency. Please respect this provision and only fund secular businesses. Thank you.

Freedom From Religion Foundation