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Thank You

Your name has been successfully added to FFRF’s
petition against the National Day of Prayer

Thank you for signing the petition to oppose the National Day of Prayer and governmental intrusion into personal conscience. God plus Government is a dangerous mix. Your support of the right to freedom from religion has never been more crucial.

To view the signatures, click here or scroll down.

Other Ways to Help

1) Donate to FFRFā€™s Legal Fund

FFRF is in a David vs. Goliath battle. The religious-right is using the National Day of Prayer court battle as a fundraising and organizing tool. Help defend the decision.

2) Contact the White House

Please express your disappointment, civilly, over the fact that the Obama Administration is defending a McCarthy-era law entangling religion and government:

The Honorable Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

White House Comment Line: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461

3) Contact elected officials to oppose National Day of Prayer proclamations

Last year all 50 governors proclaimed a National Day of Prayer, even though the federal law does not require them to. In recent years, more than half of governors have used the proclamation wording, scripture verse or themes ghostwritten for them by the Christian evangelical National Day of Prayer Task Force, headed by Shirley Dobson.

Ask your public officials to refrain, in their official capacity, from proclaiming or participating in the National Day of Prayer. (Please thank mayors and local officials who respect the separation between state and church.)

Use this online directory to find links to e-mail and postal addresses, and phone numbers for key elected officials.

FFRF is cataloging complaints over this national violation by FFRF members and members of the public. Copies of your official messages to elected officials may be sent to FFRF, Attn: Protest National Day of Prayer, PO Box 750, Madison WI 53701. E-mail copies to: FFRF.

4) Join FFRFā€™s “Oppose the National Day of Prayer” Facebook Cause group and help spread the word by telling your friends

5) Monitor and engage in civil protest of National Day of Prayer observances in your area

The National Day of Prayer Task Force Web site will tip you off to whatā€™s happening in your area. Carry placards (ā€œNothing Fails Like Prayer,ā€ ā€œGood Works ā€” Not Long Prayers,ā€ ā€œHelping Hands Not Lips That Pray,ā€ ā€œGod & Government ā€” A Dangerous Mix,ā€ ā€œGet Prayer Out of Government,ā€ ā€œWe are NOT a Christian Nation,ā€ “The National Day of Prayer ā€” Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off!”) Keep FFRF posted about your activism.

If you see related violations, such as “mayor’s prayer breakfasts,” contact our legal department.

6) Write letters to the editor

The National Day of Prayer lawsuit and appeal are news ā€” send a short, succinct letter about why you oppose it, why it violates the Constitution or why it is an affront to you as a nonbeliever! Respond to religious op-ed and letters promoting the National Day of Prayer and religion in government. Add your support of the judgeā€™s ruling and FFRF to comment sections at online publications and blogs. There are almost as many nonreligious Americans, at 15% of the population, as there are active members of the religious right. Come out of the closet and influence public opinion!

7) Join the Freedom From Religion Foundation!

If you are not already a member, please sign up today! Support the largest, fastest-growing national association of freethinkers (atheists, agnostics and other skeptics), and our vital work to keep church and state separate.

FFRF has nine important lawsuits in the courts, and has taken more than 50 court challenges, winning many significant victories to defend the Jeffersonian ā€œwall of separation between church and state.ā€ Wonā€™t you help? Donā€™t let the Religious Right cash in on FFRFā€™s court victory. This is the time for secular supporters to flex some collective muscle and speak out for true religious liberty.

Your membership is deductible for income-tax purposes (a modest $40 a year; $50 household) and includes 10 issues a year of the lively newspaper, Freethought Today, and Private Line, a twice-a-year newsletter disclosing membership and financial information.

Thank you.

Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor
on behalf of the Freedom From Religion Foundation
PO Box 750
Madison WI 53701

Freedom From Religion Foundation