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The Freedom From Religion Foundation Legal Archives includes documentation of more than 40 years of FFRF’s significant legal challenges and work. FFRF ends many entanglements between religion and government, defends the Establishment Clause and free speech rights of nonbelievers and otherwise strives to uphold the godless provisions of the entirely secular U.S. Constitution.

FFRF seeks to end violations through education and persuasion, in a typical year ending over 200 entanglements through legal complaint letters alone. FFRF goes to court as necessary when educational efforts fail. FFRF has brought well over 80 lawsuits and counting, winning many noteworthy victories for the constitutional principle of separation between state and church.

Please use the filter above to learn more. You may search FFRF’s ongoing lawsuits, our highlighted court victories, our other legal challenges or our non-litigation victories. Freedom depends on freethinkers!

A Texas School District learned a lesson from FFRF after being warned not to allow prayer to open state-funded school football games (January 2025)

Texas The Silverton Independent School District learned a lesson from FFRF after the state/church watchdog warned them not to allow prayer to open state-funded school football games. FFRF learned of …

More » from A Texas School District learned a lesson from FFRF after being warned not to allow prayer to open state-funded school football games (January 2025)

Freedom From Religion Foundation