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‘You’re Sued!’ ad debuts

FFRF released a new video ad, “You’re Sued!” announcing a lawsuit challenging President Trump’s executive order to legalize church politicking, in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

“President Trump wants to convert churches into the next political super PACs, but he better check the Establishment Clause of the Constitution first,” says FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor. “FFRF filed our lawsuit and launched this ad campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of church politicking.”

The ads ran in August on Facebook, Google and Instagram targeting secular Americans nationwide.

Trump signed his “Religious Liberty” executive order in early May with great fanfare during a National Day of Prayer ceremony in the Rose Garden. FFRF filed suit shortly after in the U.S. District Court, Western District of Wisconsin.

FFRF’s suit argues that Trump has used his order to usher in a new era of church politicking, greenlighting endorsements from the pulpit and opening the door for dark money political spending. Meanwhile, the order discriminates against secular organizations such as FFRF, which must follow strict guidelines to maintain their 501(c)(3) tax status.

Freedom From Religion Foundation