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Sharing the Crank Mail

With the emergence of the Islamic State (aka ISIS), crank mailers have a new suggested location for us to move to, along with Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba and France. A small sample of the many hundreds of emails FFRF received recently, printed as received. 


To FFRF Ideas: Əve met allot of pricks in my day but this group is a fucking cactus. May god bless you. ā€” Steven Haley


first amendment: I hope all your membersā€™ nipples fall off and grow back on their foreheads and they all start lactating at the same time. Thatā€™s also part of that first amendment thing. Freedom of speech and of religion doesnā€™t seem to be on your fascist radar. Iā€™m sure you guys and Hitler would have gotten along fine. I mean you guys look at people that believe in God the same way he did the Jewish population. ā€” Russ Walker, Colorado Springs


Your Children: All of your children need a bullet right between their eyes. ā€” Elmo Sippy, Ellijay, Ga. [Editorā€™s note: This was reported to police.]


The Scumbag Mooslims in Minnesota: You prevent chaplains in FLA from saying a prayer before games, but you donā€™t say a word when the goat fuckers want to build a Mosque, aka recruiting ground, in Minnesota? You just want to eviscerate Christians, you GOD less cocksuckers. FUCK OFF AND DIE. ā€” Connecticut


We have enough babies in America: I think you are right up there with ISIS. Virtually the same thing only based in America. We dont gripe about you driving your foreign cars do we as Christians? No, because we dont care. Weā€™ll look the other way when yoi drive by in your Toyota. YOU ARE A BUNCH OF SELF ABSORBED WORTHLESS SELFISH CHILDREN THAT PROBABLY GOT BEAT UP ALL THE TIME IN SCHOOL. SO PUT YOUR CRAYONS AWAY AND YOUR COLORED PAPER AND PENCILS AND LOOK AT THE REAL THREAT TO OUR COUNTRY. ā€” Jameson Mayer, Cedar Rapids, Iowa


Crosses: How do I go about removing your foundation from the United States? I am a war veteran and your foundation offends me. ā€” James Kimble

P.S. Hey did you know there is a cross on my computer keyboard.


religion: are,t there better things to worry about like bulling in schools drugs weapons getting a education that,s what really should matter. ā€” teresa low, connersville, indiana


Religion: You guys are a bunch of dumbass fucktards. How can you be offended by something you donā€™t believe in? Assholes! ā€” Mr. Jesus, Heaven, Illinois


Plaques at schools: As a non-practicing Jew myself I just want to say that you are a bunch of idiots. You have so little faith in your faithlessness that you feel intimidated by crosses and plaques on public lands. This country was built on a Judeo-Christian ideal. I just wish that our idiot judges would wake up and throw your lawsuits, and you, out on your butts. ā€” Stephen Lubin, New York


Freedom of religion: For an orginazation that doesnā€™t want religon sure does act like it is carrying on a crusade of religous porportion. I should sue you on behalf of tax payers for the continued law suites that fail. I am also contacting congress and senate to enact a law that if a law suite is brough forward and is considered frivilous that who ever brought the law suite should be charged any and all cost associated with the law suite and a fine of $250. ā€” Troy Cummings, Virginia


Suggestion: Madison, Wi., one of the known marxist cities in the USA! It is a sad thing to witness the USA sinking into an ABYSS of touchy-feely diversity, ultaliberalism, political correctness, socialism, and Saul Alinsky Marxism. ā€” Doc H


Attacking Christiananity: You Bastards, I hope God has mercy on your souls. ā€” Robert Guccione

Your thought process: Your belief in nothing is still a belief. I find your organization pushing your agenda is upsetting to me and I do not like it. I will now be a minority voice trying to desolve your organization. ā€” Leo Bauer


Seminole High football team: I am a supporter of the constitution. And I agree that there should be no establishment by government. But to build bridges, you have to have humidity, and be able to say, ā€œI was wrongā€. ā€” Courtney Campbell


Thoughts on freedom from all religion: What about the muslim that prays out in public, or in state parks. What about the Jews who wear a yamaka? Is it that you only attack Christianity because you think that Christians are meek? If thatā€™s what you think then clearly you need to brush up on your history. ā€” Joe Craig, Branson, Mo.


Quit Your Sniveling: I would bet that the overwhelming majority of your members are new to being atheists. Iā€™m sure they were unaware of what it even meant until they heard about it, while standing in line waiting to vote for Obama. They couldnā€™t wait to get home and try it for themselves. So, they sent you $5.00 and left for work the next day wearing a T-shirt proclaiming themselves an atheist. The problem with these people, is that in 12 months when all their fake facebook friends start saying Christianity is the new trend, they will rush out of their homes to beat the door down at their local church to donate $5.00 and get their ā€œIā€™m a Christianā€ T-shirt. At which point your ā€œfoundationā€ will crumble and youā€™ll have to go find a real job. ā€” James Briskey, San Antonio


satanā€™s immisaryā€™s: I see you morons are conspiring against churchā€™s with the gestapo govā€™t agency? will hell be hot enough for you kretins? I pity your soulā€™s on judgment day! ā€” aaarocket37


Your So Called Victories: What you call significant legal victories are nothing but effective blackmail techniques. Your fear mongering and threats in my mind seem very similar to those of Nazi Germany. All employees of my company pray before each and every day – that will not end. If an employee doesnā€™t like it – they know where the door is. ā€” Michael Moran


ass holes: The pendulum will swing back the other way ass holes and i hope it will take you`r heads off when it dose. Try to tell me what i can and can not do and see how long you breath! ā€” Carl Thurston, Texas


IRS Lawsuit: You want the IRS one or the most corrupt govt. ageencies to spy on churches. I am 68 years old and the older I get the more I fear for My Grand Children. Shame on you. The American is getting Pissed WATCH OUT. ā€” Thomas Kimble, West Palm Beach., Fla.


It is freedom OF religion: Our assigned technicians have breached your email accounts. Our investigators have identified your family members. Our firm is a GSA contractor of the US Federal Government (GSA 6HNDN4) and have published the identities of your recorded conditions and the identities of your immediate family members, including all relevant personal data including addresses, social security numbers, and related family members above the age of 13. Good luck with that! ā€” Jonathan Hawfield, Houston

Freedom From Religion Foundation