An unedited sampling of the mail we get here at FFRF shows that not everyone understands the separation of state and church, correct grammar or how to be a decent human being.
Freedom for religion. Pun intended: Please investigate all members of the ffrf group. There have been numerous stabbings at churches and on the Ark. We all know that this group does not care ANYTHING about loved ones. Your children die…it’s just science..they are in the ground..Nothing else. This group is way too ignorant to realize what is happening has already been explained. Are you happy that you are not giving your family a chance to become as ignorant as you? Thank you for all the killings and bullying…may your children endure the same as you FORCE on others. LOL as ya’ll say. AND BY THE WAY…DO NOT SHOP FOR CHRISTMAS SALES AND TAKE OFF FOR CHRISTMAS…THIS BEHAVIOR SHOWS YOUR IGNORANCE AND BIAS. LEAVE THE SALES FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. WORK FOR THOSE THAT WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH THEIR CHILDREN AT CHRISTMAS. Again do not take off at Christmas and do not get in the way of Christmas shoppers. Your kids do not get Christmas presents …lol ignorant — Jay Beecher
Frivilous npnsense: Your organization is engaging in frivolous nonsense by filing a law suit against Lehigh County … If the people collaborating with you are recent arrivals in Lehigh County how dare they be offended and seek to destroy the historic roots of our county … I suppose you with sit back and approve should ISIS take over our county and demand that men wear beards and females wear Muslim regalia… And behead anyone that continues to be an infidel or make them pay a special tax or fee to stay alive… My family has lived in Lehigh County since its beginnings and before … So don’t tread on us … or anyone in Lehigh County by forcing higher taxes to pay for your frivious amd machievous law suit. — Dennis Pearson
removal of cross: You people are the reason the world is the way it is today. You want to sue just to make money to support your bullsh*t causes. A cross in the Lehigh County Seal comes from the history of this county. Although I disagree with some of Lehigh Counties ways of resolving issues, stop trying to take more money out of the taxpayers pockets and earn money any other organization would….. not by sueing to get money for your very LAME and CHILDISH oraganization. Raise money through members like other REAL organizations. You can all go to HeLL — Scott Haas
Congratulation: Description: 11 year girl killed by dad. Get the felon out of jail while relatives cheer. Shootings …yay..just what this ffrf group loves. Congrats for being bullies. Aren’t you proud of going against good people and being too ignorant and scared to go against the satanism after school clubs. Appreciate your ignorance screwing this country even more than all your loving criminals have. Pat yourselves on the backs (or wherever you pat yourselves) you are effectively responsible for these kids getting killed. The parents of most of these kids must be in your bully group …not even a tear for killing their own kids. Congrats! — Dave Conner
prayer in public schools: Unlike what you lie-beral communist traitors say, students and teachers DO have the right to pray in public schools if they so wish to! People like you are what’s wrong with our country and bring about God’s wrath upon our nation. When Trump gets elected, will you scum be leaving our country!? I sure hope so!!! —Lester Rees
well I want to take a min to say fuck you: your company is almost a big a piece of shit as Barry Marshall Davis AKA Barry Soetoro or B Hussian Obama — Jeff Skinner
Satans work: Keep doing satans work and you will be rewarded, you folks will not need grills to cook you meat as you will be the meat andlucifers grill is hot. — George Henson
Trigg: I’m a concerned citizen that hates fucking fags like you trying to mess with the 10 commandments. Why don’t you go fuck your dog like you have been doing and wait til your time to rot in hell where you belong fucking inbred trash. Stay the FUCK out of ky. U understand? — Robert Merry
Ashamed: checked your site doing some routine research Your site although perhaps well-equipped and well versed, is a blasphemy! You people even went as far to quote the bible and Christ himself in your works to further your causes for arguments of separation of church and state? I’m sorry but our country is in disrepair would you like to blame the churches or the states? — Richard Hart
Trigg Co.: You people are assholes! People like you are the reason sooo many people are being murdered in this country. Some belief in things unseen is exactly what we need to straighten this country out!!! Fuck off!!!! — Lisa Dawes