Meet an FFRF staffer: Eleanor McEntee

Name: Eleanor McEntee.

Where and when I was born: I was born in St. Louis, Mo. I’m a child of the early 1970s.

Education: Clayton High School, Mo.; Guilford College, N.C.

Family: Nancy and Donald (parents) and Holly and Emily (my older and younger sisters).

How I came to work at FFRF: I have been Women’s Medical Fund’s volunteer bookkeeper since 2006. When the bookkeeping position became vacant at FFRF in 2015, I applied and was hired!

What I do here: Bookkeeping and other administrative tasks.

What I like best about it: I get to work on a Mac!

What gets old about it: The crank callers and the callers who talk/lecture and refuse to listen.

I spend a lot of time thinking about: When at work, I am thinking about transparency and clean audits, and when not at work, I am thinking about the route of my next Harley ride/adventure and about how I can make this world a better place to live in.

I spend little if any time thinking about: Fashion trends.

My religious upbringing was: Casual Congregationalist and serious nature walks.

My doubts about religion started: The musical aspect and sense of community were predominating but the dogma made no sense. It seemed hypocritical and the bible seemed anti-woman and demanded domination over the Earth instead of coexisting with nature.

Things I like: Riding my Harley, petting my kitties, having Monday burger nights with Holly and brother-in-law Eric, journaling, spending time in nature and visiting my co-worker’s Betta fishes named Church and State (and yes, they are separate).

Things I smite: Hypocrisy and defending poor choices with faulty/no logic instead of taking responsibility for one’s own actions.

In my golden years: Continue to ride my Harley, be able to laugh, be a critical thinker, be happy and healthy.

If you like, ask yourself a question here: Why is the food that is so bad for me taste so good? Shut up and pass the deep-fried cheese curds!

Freedom From Religion Foundation