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They Said What? October 2011

God has appointed Putin to Russia to prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ.
Mother Fontina, leader of the Temple of the Resurrection of Russia, a sect which believes Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is St. Paul reincarnated
Der Spiegel, 9-29-11

When you elected me, you elected Jesus.
Don Merricks, Virginia House of Delegates, supporting sectarian prayer by the Pittsylvania County Commission
Danville Register & Bee, 9-6-11

There are circles of villains seeking to give away parts of this land to our enemies. Luckily, God Almighty causes the camel riders [Palestinians] to refuse to meet with the government.
Rabbi Dov Lior, Kiryat Arba, criticizing left-wing Israelis
Jewish World, 9-20-11

I think Mitt Romney’s a good moral man, but I think those of us who are born-again followers of Christ should always prefer a competent Christian to a competent non-Christian like Mitt Romney. So that’s why I’m enthusiastic about Rick Perry.
Rev. Robert Jeffress, First Baptist Church of Dallas pastor, speaking on CNN after endorsing Texas Gov. Rick Perry for president at the Family Research Council’s Values Voters Summit, where he called Mormonism “a cult”
“The Situation Room,” 10-8-11

A Catholic law school should be a place where it is clear, though perhaps unspoken, that the here-and-now is less important, when all is said and done, than the hereafter.
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, speech at Duquesne University Law School
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 9-25-11

I gave fear up for Lent this year.
Catholic U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., on his willingness to push ideas unpopular with the majority such as replacing Medicare with vouchers
CNN, 9-26-11

If you want to be addicted to something, be addicted to Jesus because he never runs out. He’s free and you can get as much as you want and there’s no hangover. Hallelujah!
Pastor Terry Prong, Cosby, Tenn., leading Cocke County’s weeklong tent revival to fight drug abuse
WBIR News, 19-3

I personally believe that someday we’re going to stand before God, and he’s going to pull out a ballot and say, “How did you vote in this election?” And there are going to be people who say, “Why do you care about that, God?” And he’s going to say, “Because I created that country and I put you in charge.”
Ken Eldred, venture capitalist behind Champion the Vote, a project seeking to register 5 million conservative Christians nationwide
Los Angeles Times, 9-15-11

He’s known for his vulgarity, he is very anti-religious, and since I think we are the only institution on this block, it would be an insult.
Fr. Raymond Rafferty, Corpus Christi Catholic Church, objecting to renaming a Manhattan street after comedian George Carlin, a Corpus Christi School alumnus
WABC New York, 10-10-11

You can safely assume that you have created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.
Quotation by novelist Anne Lamott included in FatherBen’s online comment on the Champion the Vote project
Los Angeles Times, 9-15-11

God is telling us that government is not the answer. We have to stop looking for solutions in the wrong places.
Rev. Rene Monette, Living Word Church, Houma, La., “The foundation of our country”
The Courier, 9-9-11

She is passionate for the Lord Jesus Christ who has given her the gifts and freedom to bring healing to the world through upper cervical care.
Web bio for Dr. Rebecca Basilio, who practices “Christ-centered” chiropractic with her husband in Vista, Calif., 9-12-11

I know it sounds cruel, but if he’s going to do something, he should divorce her and start all over again, but make sure she has custodial care and somebody looking after her. . . . If you respect that vow, you say, “Till death do us part.” This is a kind of death.
Rev. Pat Robertson, about a man’s extramarital affair because his wife has Alzheimer’s disease
“The 700 Club,” 9-14-11

Several leading rabbinic figures have weighed in on the continuing furor surrounding the expulsion of four Israel Defense Forces soldiers from the officer’s training school last week for refusing to return to an event involving women singing after instructed to do so by their commanding officer. It is generally held that according to Jewish law, men may not listen to a woman singing in person, a situation the Talmud considers akin to seeing a woman naked.
News story, “Rabbis differ over women singing in army”
Jerusalem Post, 9-16-11

The premise is simple: Haggard and Busey will swap wives for a short time. The first couple of days, the husbands make the rules for their new “spouses.” After that, the wives take charge. The fun could come from the conflict between Haggard and his reality wife (no word if it’s Busey’s fiancee and mother of his new son, or one of his ex-wives), whom sources say is a spiritual woman but not a fan of organized religion.
News story on disgraced Pastor Ted Haggard and actor Gary Busey appearing on the ABC reality series “Celebrity Wife Swap”
Colorado Springs Gazette, 9-20-11

The group of nurses provide their service with Christ-like love to address both the physical and emotional needs of their patients through the program, which meets seven times a year.
News story on the Pamper and Prayer Foot Clinic in Holland, Mich.
Holland Sentinel, 9-26-11

As has become increasingly clear ever since Sept. 11, religion is alive and kicking, and America is blundering its way through the 21st century, its education system trapped in the secularist fantasies of Thomas Jefferson and his Enlightenment pals.
Op-ed by Tom Moore, sophomore in the Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences
Cornell Daily Sun, 9-27-11

God showed me how to do it, baptize people in the fire of the Holy Spirit. This is not bad after all. It’s a blessing in disguise.
Taukinukufili Taufa, Brisbane, Australia, who ran the Church of Baptism With Fire & Holy Spirit in a house where his wife, daughter, three grandchildren and six extended family members died in a fire
New Zealand Herald, 9-20-11

Andrew Schmeltzer, an English teacher and assistant baseball coach at Wilson Central High School, sang along to student-led hymns but said he was careful to step aside when prayers began. “As long as I don’t do any leadership with that, that’s fine,” he said.
News story on a See You at the Pole school prayer event in Lebanon, Tenn.
The Tennessean, 9-29-11

Do I think religion should be in school? Heck yeah. FCA gives me and the others the opportunity to reach the lost and secondly to grow with each other. Teachers can’t share Christ with students, but FCA is a chance for us to do that.
Sophomore Michael Bookwalter, Johnson High School, Gainesville, Ga., on the Fellowship of Christian Athletes club that meets in the school library
Gainesville Times, 10-2-11

At Reformed Theological Seminary, our classroom teaching, the very same courses by the very same professors, as well as sermons and teaching by some of the most notable pastors of our generation, are being downloaded onto Macs, and yes, even PCs, as well as iPads and iPhones all over the Earth.
Michael Milton, chancellor-elect of Reformed Theological Seminary, “Bible publishers mourn death of Steve Jobs”, 10-6-11

I think it’s Satan involved in it. I think that we just all need to get together and show our Lord how much we love them and appreciate him for dying on that cross for us.
Debbie Welch, speaking at a high school football game in Summit, Miss., where the superintendent read an FFRF letter of complaint about school-sanctioned prayer at athletic events
WLBT News, 10-10-11

We’re praying to a God who loves us and asking his protection over this football game and over these people. I see nothing wrong with that.
Pig Terrell, prayer supporter in Summit, Miss.
WLBT News, 10-10-11

Freedom From Religion Foundation