Secular Idaho

D G Van Curen, Humanists of Idaho president, FFRF member and debaptism celebrant, fans away any lingering holy water residue on Dan Thering’s face during an outreach effort Sept. 16-18 in Boise at the Hyde Park Street Fair. The coalition of seven freethought groups distributed more than 100 debaptism certificates provided by FFRF. “Our sincere thanks to FFRF for their support and generosity, which contributed to our success,” writes D G. “A steady stream of visitors to our booth packed away our entire supply of Freethought Today, as well as most of the literature, bumper stickers, etc.” Participating were Humanists of Idaho, Idaho Atheists, West Valley Freethinkers, BUUF Humanists, Boise Non-Theist Meetup, Cosmo Coffee Club and Boise State Secular Student Alliance.

Freedom From Religion Foundation