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Patheos hosting Freethought Now!

A blog by FFRF staff members titled Freethought Now! is being hosted by Patheos, a website dedicated to providing a credible dialogue on religion and nonreligion. Freethought Now! will be part of the Atheist Channel on Patheos, which hosts about 40 blogs, including Hemant Mehta’s popular The Friendly Atheist. Patheos hosts more than 500 other religious blogs and is accessed by millions of readers every month.

Access the FFRF blog at

Some recent blogs are Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel’s “Hobby Lobby, owners under investigation for looting artifacts,” Staff Attorney Sam Grover’s “Arizona’s anti-abortion law leads schools astray,” and Co-President Dan Barker’s “Let’s ask for bible-free rooms.”

FFRF expects the new collaboration will increase its visibility and membership. Most Patheos traffic comes from social media. Some blogs get millions of hits a month. In addition to exposing FFRF’s writing, activism and vision to a new audience, it will generate a modest income for our nonprophet nonprofit.

For now, our former blog site,, will host our archives and carry a link to the Patheos site. If you are signed up to receive notices of FFRF blogs by email, you will continue to receive a “teaser” of the blog that will take you to the Patheos site.

Freedom From Religion Foundation