FFRF sent a letter of complaint Nov. 13 in advance of a Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast to Mayor J. Michael Houston in Springfield, Ill., over illegal city involvement. FFRF, a national nonprofit with over 19,000 members, has 675 members in Illinois.
“Our complainant informs us that this religious event is promoted on the official website for the city of Springfield,” wrote Rebecca Markert, senior staff attorney. The Web page lists the main telephone number for the Springfield Department of Community Relations, a city office, as the contact number for the event.
“[I]t is grossly illegal and inappropriate for the city to be hosting, organizing, supporting or otherwise promoting a patently religious event, such as a prayer breakfast,” Markert added. “This practice, which has been recurring for the last 17 years, certainly has the effect of government endorsement of religion.”
FFRF cited legal precedent barring direct government involvement in such events. “The Department of Community Relations is inappropriately handling ticket sales for this religious event. It is of no consequence that the breakfast will take place on private property.”
It also appears that Houston, a retired banker, helped to sponsor and attended the event in his official mayoral capacity.
“We ask that you take immediate steps to remedy the serious violations of the Establishment Clause that the city’s involvement in the prayer breakfast presents,” wrote Markert. She sent a separate letter containing an open records request on the city’s involvement.