Melody Moore, an opera singer who lives in San Francisco, dropped by Nov. 1 to say hello at Freethought Hall in Madison, Wis. Moore was a 1998 recipient of a Foundation scholarship for her college essay, “The fallacies of theism.” She stopped in to say she’s never forgotten what winning that contest meant to her. She was raised Pentecostal (“The damage, the damage, the damage”). “It was so freeing just to write the essay,” she recalled, adding that the scholarship was icing on the cake. Moore was here to sing the role of Countess Almaviva in Madison Opera’s production of Mozart’s “The Marriage of Figaro.” By coincidence, Moore was staying at the Concourse Hotel at the conclusion there of FFRF’s 33rd annual convention. She earned a degree in music at Kent State University and a master’s at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and works as a “soprano for hire.”
December 17, 2010