Longtime Foundation member Clara Carlson, of Washington state, turned 101 on Sept. 22. In between some bad health bouts this year, including pneumonia and a fall, Clara found the time and energy to draw one of the two winning entries in the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s solstice card contest this year.
Amid all this action I had a 101 birthday,” Clara writes, “and my granddaughter sent me a bouquet of 100 roses. Because they couldn’t last, I had them photographed.
“She wanted them to send 101, but they refused to add the single rose to the bouquet.
“But one doesn’t see 100 roses, in a bouquet, very often.”
Clara, a strong feminist and freethought activist, sends “affectionate regards to all the friends at FFRF.”
Clara’s full-color card with a gold edging says: “Have a wonderful Winter Solstice Season,” and sells for $14 ppd (10 cards and envelopes).