‘Tis the season . . . for sending out Winter Solstice cards!
The Foundation’s non-holy day cards, offering Greetings of the Solstice Season” and “Reason’s Greetings,” are popular with our membership, who enjoy being in secular touch with friends or relatives at the end of the year.
Coming up with fresh ideas for new solstice cards–especially suitable photographs or artwork–is one of the Foundation’s harder tasks! The Foundation offers the cards as an educational endeavor and for fun. With printing and postage costs, there is very little profit margin, which is why we are grateful to have artwork donated.
So we are sponsoring a contest to get ready for Solstice Season 2007!
We are seeking card designs (including artwork or photography). The winning design(s) will be turned into solstice cards for next year!
All designs, photography and artwork must be original for copyright reasons (unless it involves noncopyrighted clip-art or wording). We are always pleased to have clever greetings or turns of phrase suggested, but only fully-designed card ideas will be awarded.
The winner(s) will receive our warm thanks, a pack of the solstice cards with the winning design, and a $100 gift certificate toward any books or products offered by the Foundation. Alternatively, the winner(s) may prefer to take an in-kind tax deduction for the donation of artwork to our tax-exempt, educational organization.
Submitted designs will be considered Foundation property, and submission will constitute permission to use your artwork and design. Copyright will revert back to the winning artist when cards go out of print. The artist will be identified on the card. Please submit no more than two designs. Please mark any submissions clearly with your name, address, and e-mail or telephone number.
FFRF will accept nominations through July 2007. Winners will be announced in the fall of 2007.
Send your solstice card designs to:
FFRF Solstice Contest
FFRF, Inc.
PO Box 750
Madison WI 53701