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Why I Am an Atheist

Because I am a smug bastard who thinks she knows all the answers.
Because I am a smug bastard who thinks she knows only two or three of the answers, and one of those answers is almost certainly wrong.
Because I am hard-hearted and closed-minded.
Because I am hard-headed and weak-willed.
Because I have had nine root canals but have never had open-heart surgery.
Because the sky looks too big under every possible lighting condition.
Because when I looked at a head louse from my daughterā€™s scalp under a microscope, I could see, through the parasiteā€™s translucent, rice-white abdomen, a dark column of my daughterā€™s blood.
Because on a sunny day, the rose window at Chartres cathedral shines with the vividness of an image composed at night, by the brainā€™s secondary visual cortex.
Because everything in life manages to make sense while still leaving room for perpetual misunderstanding.
Because the river of life has been flowing on Earth for almost 4 billion years
And here I am, dunking in a toe, a hand, splashing water on my face,
Complaining all the while, to anybody who might listen,
You know, I never learned how to swim.

Natalie Angierā€™s latest book is The Canon: A Whirligig Tour of the Beautiful Basics of Science. She won a 1991 Pulitzer Prize for her stories in The New York Times on scientific topics and numerous other writing awards. She was a 2003 recipient of FFRFā€™s Emperor Has No Clothes Award and titled her acceptance speech ā€œRaising a Healthy God-free Child in a Hopelessly God-struck Nation.ā€

Freedom From Religion Foundation