Meet Up in Alabama for 4th

Don’t miss the twentieth anniversary of the Lake Hypatia 4th of July extravaganza, put on by the Alabama Freethought Association, an FFRF chapter, at Lake Hypatia, Ala.

“We invite you to join our celebration for a fun program, laughter, and music, music, music. The lake is beautiful and the pavilion is cool,” says Pat Cleveland, AFA director.

FFRF’s southern Freethought Hall includes an air-conditioned auditorium, additional meeting space, and accessible showers. Pat opens up family land for primitive and RV camping. This is a family-friendly event.

Speakers include Jeremy Hall, who will preside at an event beside the Atheists in Foxholes monument, and FFRF’s co-presidents Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor. Dan will team up with Steve Benson, the Pulitzer-Prize winning cartoonist, for their spectacular Toons ’n Tunes revue.

Events include poetry reading, the atheist vs. agnostic softball match, interesting speakers, nature hike, and a retrospective by Pat and Alice Shiver over 20 years of activism in Alabama.

Meal orders must be received no later than June 24.

Freedom From Religion Foundation