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FFRF Launches Online Forum

You asked for it, and now you have it!

FFRF Forum, for members only, is now hosted by the Freedom From Religion Foundation. The online Forum has been created to provide a sense of community online for Foundation members, as well as to be a place to share information and activism, and even to meet up with others in your area, if desired.

Administrative moderators are Foundation webmaster Scott Colson and longtime member Darrell Barker (brother of Foundation co-president Dan Barker). Darrell, a volunteer, lives in Washington State.

The Forum has the usual terms of use. Additionally, members agree to use the FFRF Forum only to further Foundation purposes: keeping state and church separate, and promoting freethought and FFRF. No politics (FFRF, as a 501(c)3 educational charity, must remain apolitical and nonpartisan), no buying, selling, no commercialism, just good, old-fashioned correspondence!

Registration safeguards will ensure your privacy (unless you choose to divulge your identity), and no bombardment from religious interlopers! Meet you at the mousepad!

Freedom From Religion Foundation