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Meet a Pragmatic Staffer: Lisa Strand

Name: Lisa Strand.

Where and when I was born: I was born and raised in Wisconsin, sometime before the Summer of Love, but not so much before as to have enjoyed it.

Education: I have a B.A. in political science from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. 

Family: My husband and I have been married for nearly 17 years, and we have an 11-year-old daughter.  Therefore, we also have two cats and a guinea pig, and weā€™re lobbied regularly for a puppy.

My previous job responsibilities were: Iā€™ve been in not-for-profit (association) management for about 25 years, including serving for 15 years as executive director of the Wisconsin Library Association. Iā€™ve also served in volunteer leadership roles for several nonprofit organizations. 

It was hard to leave WLA (librarians are more fun than you can imagine), but I was looking for a new challenge, and Iā€™m so glad for the opportunity at FFRF.

What I do at FFRF: As the newest staff member, Iā€™m still learning and developing my role as director of operations. In a nutshell, Iā€™ll be taking on a lot of the day-to-day management of the office so that Annie Laurie and Dan can be freed for more strategic duties that will further FFRFā€™s mission.

What I like best about it here: The people! Annie Laurie and Dan and the entire staff here are just great ā€” so knowledgeable and professional. I had the opportunity to meet one-on-one with each of my co-workers during my first two weeks here, and they made me feel so welcomed. They have continued to help me learn the ropes with great patience.

I spend a lot of time thinking about: The pragmatic, rather than the philosophical. 

I spend no time thinking about: Eternal damnation. 

My religious upbringing was: In a rural, Norwegian Lutheran church, complete with annual lutefisk suppers and basement church ladies. 

My doubts about religion started: I was probably about 13 when I thought it seemed very unlikely that, say, rural Chinese would have the ā€œbenefitā€ of learning about Christ and why should they be punished with hell? 

Things I like: Gardening, household projects, work, fun with my family, animals, knitting, reading, being outside.

Things I smite: I have many pet peeves, but I donā€™t smite much.

Freedom From Religion Foundation