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Honorary FFRF Board Announced

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is delighted to announce a new Honorary Board of distinguished achievers who have made known their dissent from religion.

The new FFRF Honorary Board includes Richard Dawkins, Daniel C. Dennett, Ernie Harburg, Jennifer Michael Hecht, Christopher Hitchens, Mike Newdow, Steven Pinker, Katha Pollitt, Ron Reagan, Oliver Sacks, M.D., Robert Sapolsky, Edward Sorel and Julia Sweeney.

The Honorary Board is featured at the Foundation’s Web site,

ā€œWe are so pleased that these outstanding thinkers and freethinkers have agreed to publicly lend their endorsement to the Foundation and its two purposes ā€” to promote freethought and the First AmendĀ­ment’s Establishment Clause,” said Dan Barker, Foundation co-president.

Freedom From Religion Foundation