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Finding a foolproof flight to salvation: Bill van Druten

A recent news item reported that almost all Americans are sure they are going to heaven. I have talked to some of them and discovered this: They will be flying on separate planes. You get your ticket from whatever cult you have selected, but each has its own airline.

They were all shocked that I wasnā€™t scheduled to fly, and each pressed me to join his or her sect. They told me that eternity is a good long time and the flight is not so short either ā€” I should get good seats right away.

I went to the nearby pastor and said I wanted to book some reservations. He put his arm around my shoulder and led me to his sanctuary. ā€œBill, if you put in with us, itā€™s a sure bet youā€™ll be sitting in first-class for your trip into Eternity. All you have to do is have faith, and I can supply that for you if you join up.ā€

I thanked him but wanted to shop around. There was a more impressive church across the street and I poked in there. I got a warm welcome, a firm handshake and a reassuring smile.  But the conversation left me unsettled. The minister said that the pastor across the street was a fool and sure to roast in hell. ā€œNo, Bill, faith without good work is useless, and at our place you contribute some money and we hire folks to do the good work for you.ā€ I said I needed to think it over and he said that was fine, but I should hurry as a fiery doom hung over me.

So I went to the pastor on the other corner and asked if I signed on with him would I go to heaven? He got right to the point. ā€œLook, Bill, the decision has already been made. We are each predestined for the heavenly choir or the hot place; there is nothing we can do about it. Your minister and your pastor are just whistling Dixie. Nice tune but it wonā€™t get you squat upstairs. But if you are a tenor, I can get you predestined and you are on your way with Calvin AIR Express.ā€

I checked at the Air Islam office on the same block. ā€œOh yes, we have an immediate seating plan. And you also fly with some really nice virgins. We can get you reservations. You only need to blow up yourself and a load of infidels and a building to get 36 virgins. Two buildings get you 72 virgins.ā€

The multiple virgin part was tempting, but . . .

The last option on that block was a cathedral. The priest made me sit in a little ticket booth where he explained it all to me through a grill. ā€œOh those cults, ignore them! Just get to a priest for a confession before you croak and all is well. You roll the beads and do some Bloody Marys, a nice donation is good and youā€™re in. It even works for our guys that diddle the little boys and girls. They are all up there, you know. First-class tickets and no waiting for check-in.ā€

You can be sure I was plenty confused. Five confirmed tickets to heaven, but each had a different flight plan.  Here is the hardest part: Each cult was absolutely certain all the others had flawed plans. I thought and thought. Some of them must be wrong, but which ones?  I thought some more until I saw the light: They all were frauds!

Someday Iā€™ll just die and be done with it. I know this: Alive or dead, I donā€™t want to be anywhere near those liars.

Bill van Druten, a retired physician, founded the Lake Superior Freethinkers in 1997. The group, based in Duluth, Minn., is FFRFā€™s newest chapter

Freedom From Religion Foundation