Ohio Foundation members David Hague and Tammy Miller sent four letters to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, with a back-up letter from the Freedom From Religion Foundation, in an effort to ask Holling Hills State Park to rename its “Christmas in Ash Cave” event.
“Eventually, we received a letter from the head of the ODNR saying, in summary, it’s a popular event and we’re not changing the name,” wrote David. “So, Tammy and I coordinated with the superintendent of the Hocking Hills State Park to stage a picket.
“The event was held in early December for two hours. We arrived at 4:45 and stood along the path so that nearly everyone who attended (around 200) saw our signs. One man came up and quietly said he was a pagan and that he agreed with our protest.
“Who knows if we made an impact, but Tammy summed up our experience by stating that the guest and park employees did not get away with thinking their obviously Christian event was without protest.”