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FFRF files eight lawsuits

The total includes the two new cases, above, settled successfully in 2016, and:

• FFRF v. City of Santa Clara. FFRF with a local member sued to remove a 14-foot Latin cross from a California city park. FFRF just won this case. We’ll have full coverage in our March issue.

• FFRF v. City of Shelton. FFRF and Member Jerome H. Bloom sued in March after city officials in the Connecticut town refused our right to erect a display in December, while permitting the American Legion to put up a religious display.

• Dan Barker v. House of Representatives. Although Dan’s U.S. representative kindly invited him to open a session with an invocation, the Catholic priest as chaplain barred him as an atheist. Boo!

• Kondrat’yev v. City of Pensacola. FFRF and the American Humanists are suing over a 25-foot cross in Bayview Park, Pensacola.

• FFRF v. County of Lehigh. FFRF and local members filed suit in August to remove a Latin cross from the official county seal and flag.

• FFRF v. Gov. Abbott. You’re a mean one, Mr. Governor. We sued Abbott in February for removing our duly

permitted Bill of Rights “nativity” display from the Texas State Capitol.
• Gaylor v. Lew. It’s back to federal court for Dan and Annie Laurie, who’ve been denied their “housing allowance” refund, which clergy are eligible for under discriminatory IRS regs.

• Hart v. Thomas. FFRF and ACLU-KY are representing FFRF member Ben Hart, after Kentucky Department of Motor Vehicle officials denied him a license plate saying “IM GOD.”

Freedom From Religion Foundation