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Meet a Volunteer: Scott Carney

Scott Carney’s shirt notes that evolution is “All in the Family.” Go to for a good discussion of evolutionary genealogy.

Name: Scott Carney.
Where I live: De Pere, Wis.
Where I was born: Green Bay, Wis.
Family: Ann and Michael, mom and dad; two older brothers, Dan 25, Matt 24.
My religious upbringing was: Catholic.
Why I volunteer for FFRF: I had some time to kill until I leave for school in New Zealand, so I thought I would offer my services for a good cause!
What I do here: Organize membership cards, shred paper, fold cards, handyman around the building.
What I like best about it: I am able to see how many state/church violations happen on a daily basis and how much it disgusts me. Being around positive people who are making a difference is always a pleasure as well.
Something funny that’s happened at work: The first day of volunteering, I was eating lunch upstairs in the conference room and broke a chair, which made a loud noise and alarmed people. The chair was old (and maybe not ready for my 6-foot-6-inch frame), so it wasn’t entirely my fault.
My day job is/was/will eventually be: I’m pursuing an international relations degree and will work in either the private or public sector.
Education: I finished my first year at Carroll University in Waukesha, Wis., last year. I’m currently waiting to go to school at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. I will be there for three years to obtain my degree.
These three words sum me up: Spontaneous, outgoing, worldly.
My freethought heroes are: Dan Barker, Richard Dawkins, Michael Shermer and the late Christopher Hitchens.
Things I like: Being around any body of water! Working out and any outdoor activity.
Things I smite: Religion, church, “GOD.”

Freedom From Religion Foundation