‘Do good on Good Friday’

In the spirit of 19th century freethinker Robert Green Ingersoll, who wrote, “Hands that help are better far than lips that pray,” FFRF annually challenges freethinkers to set an example for religionists by ‘doing good on Good Friday.’

The annual challenge was inaugurated in the early 1990s by Pat Cleveland, a founder of the Alabama Freethought Society, FFRF’s longest-running existing chapter.

“It’s not that freethinkers aren’t good every day,” says active volunteer Pat. “But this will be a way to make it a truly good day, if all freethinkers in the country would be visibly helping.”

FFRF overturned a statute making Good Friday a state holiday in Wisconsin. But in all too many regions, there are still government-fostered holidays for Good Friday. FFRF encourages you to take advantage to donate blood, donate a free afternoon to the needy or other worthy causes.

You may want to advertise your “good deeds” on FFRF’s online members-only forum or on our Facebook page.

Freedom From Religion Foundation