Happy retirement to AU’s Barry Lynn

The Freedom From Religion Foundation was an official sponsor of Barry Lynn’s retirement after 25 years of leading Americans United, at a shindig Nov. 2 at the posh (but dark!) National Geographic building in Washington, D.C. The dinner party and evening of speakers also celebrated American United’s 70th anniversary year.

Many FFRF’ers were at the event, including Life Member Ellery Schempp (plaintiff in Abington v. Schempp), State Representative and Life Member Margaret Downey, Life Member Tom Schottmiller, and Life Member and sculptor Zenos Frudakis.

The event was emceed by comedian Lewis Black, who lent a light-hearted air. Speakers included Cecile Richards (video tribute), Terry O’Neill, immediate past president of National Organization for Women, Wade Henderson, immediate past president of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, and Rabbi David Saperstein. Also speaking was Barry’s congressional representative and state-church supporter, Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland’s 8th District.

Freedom From Religion Foundation