Post offices follow letter of law

U.S. Postal Service facilities across the nation will stop distributing religiously themed cartoons after FFRF sent a letter of complaint to the nation’s postmaster general.

FFRF was notified of the issue when a customer noticed Easter-themed coloring pages stamped with the Postal Service’s logo being distributed at the post office in Davisburg, Mich. The pages included a drawing of three crosses. The cartoons were made by Earl Musick, an Ohio postmaster, and disseminated to Postal Service locations nationwide.

“Easter is a sectarian holiday celebrated only by Christians, and the Postal Service therefore should not put out publications promoting it,” contended FFRF Legal Fellow Madeline Ziegler. “Postal regulations specifically prohibit crosses because they are a symbol identified with a particular religion.”

USPS responded on June 16, informing FFRF that Musick apologized for violating postal regulations and that all postal facilities had been requested “to discontinue distribution and to destroy all remaining Easter coloring pictures.” Additionally, the cartoonist will no longer distribute any holiday coloring pages.

Alabama office removes religious lit

Following a complaint letter from FFRF, the post office in Spanish Fort, Ala., removed religious literature from a public display area. The literature included proselytizing pamphlets from the Little Book Ministry.

FFRF’s Ziegler sent the postmaster a letter on June 3, stating that the display “violates post office regulations and the Constitution and must be removed immediately.”
Three days later the postmaster informed FFRF that the literature would be removed immediately.

Religious magazine rack removed

A U.S. post office in Harrison, Tenn., has removed a magazine rack featuring a Christian magazine after FFRF wrote a letter of complaint.

The Sign of the Times magazine “encourages readers to lead joyful Christian lives as they await the soon return of Jesus,” according to its website.

In a letter to the local postmaster, FFRF’s Ziegler pointed out that the distribution was in violation of post office regulations and encouraged “appropriate action to ensure this illegal literature distribution does not recur.”

Upon learning of the violation, the postmaster called FFRF. She was displeased that the magazines were there without her knowledge, and promised to remove them herself if the organization did not remove them.

On June 22, FFRF’s complainant confirmed that the rack had been removed.

Freedom From Religion Foundation