Special treatment under the law for religious people was popular in this abbreviated edition of the crank mail, printed as received.
Miserable with your own life: You should rename your site “Demons of Satan and servers of Jesus Christ haters”. Hell will be your eternal dwelling at the moment of your death! — Grady Brown
you: You guys must be bigger assholes than the assholes at the IRS, if you want to partner with the against churches in America to shut them down. — doug akers, columbus, ohio
So you did not like the Hobby Lobby decision: This white, Catholic male was thrilled. Now don’t you have the Little Sisters of the Poor to pursue? — kenneth k
Court ruling: Too bad all nine judges are not Catholic, then the supreme court could be counted on to always rule in a most judicious manner! — John Duffy
Hobby Lobby: Nations build on lies, such as communism and socialism and all the isms, have risen and fallen. See you either at the top with the truth, or the fallen with the likes of Stalin and Hitler. — M. Gazal
Hello: came across your website and fleetingly read a few stuff. are you opposed to all religions eg islam hinduism or just the church? — Daisy Pillai, CARLETONVILLE
Religious Liberty: So you guys think religious liberty trumps women’s rights. I believe contraception is immoral. That being said, if you guys want your women contracepting why don’t you guys stand up like men and pay for it yourself. — rjvrable
Hobby Lobby: Your latest tirade of ant-Catholicism bigotry has no place in America. My legal team is looking into having your tax-exempt status revoked. — John Lushis, Jr, Bethlehem, PA
Shame: Your anti-Catholic venom is beneath contempt. Hitler would be proud. — William W. Whiting
Freedom from Tyranny: Couldn’t your time be better spent? But I guess I should not be surprised at your self-centeredness since you have no concept of self-sacrifice. Note: it’s all about a cross. I am sad you cannot grasp that. — Lynn Weathers, Ohio
Stuff it: Stuff it Stuff it Stuff it Stuff it Stuff itStuff it Stuff it Stuff it Stuff it Stuff it — [email protected]