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Churches feel increasingly free to ignore politicking ban

FFRF is getting more and more complaints about churches violating IRS regulations on political campaigning. In June and July alone, Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca Markert sent complaints about five churches to the IRS.

IRS regulations bar nonprofit 501(c)(3) groups such as churches from ā€œ[participating in or intervening in] . . . any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.ā€

A sample of violations:

ā€¢ A South Carolina Baptist churchā€™s website links to a Facebook page titled ā€œI will NOT vote for Obama in 2012.ā€

ā€¢ A Catholic priest in Florida was reported to have said at Mass, ā€œYou can vote for anybody, even a dog, but donā€™t vote for Obama.ā€ Parishioners were outraged ā€” at the dog reference, anyway. Others claimed the statement was not accurate or was taken out of context, but one of those naysayers admitted that ā€œFather Dan did say ā€˜Whatever you do, you canā€™t vote for Obama.ā€™ ā€

ā€¢ In Virginia, a Baptist church put campaign signs for a Republican congressional primary candidate on its property.

ā€¢ A Washington church invited far-right gubernatorial candidate Shahram Hadian to speak about the threat of Islam in America. Before the event, two pastors and another church member all voiced their strong support for Hadianā€™s candidacy. One prayed that ā€œmore and more people would see the bumper stickers, theyā€™d see the signs, theyā€™d wonder about this man.ā€ The other was so enthusiastic he twice broke into ā€œspeaking in tongues.ā€

ā€¢ Rev. Terry Jones, infamous for burning copies of the Quran, hanged Obama in effigy on the lawn of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla. The effigy included a rainbow gay pride flag in its left hand and a doll in its right to protest Obamaā€™s positions on gay marriage and abortion, with the backdrop of a trailer reading ā€œObama is Killing America.ā€

FFRF has written to the IRS about all of these and similar violations. The agency responds with a form letter saying IRS canā€™t discuss ongoing investigations. Unfortunately, it has revoked only one churchā€™s tax-exempt status for campaigning since the restriction was put in place in 1954.

Even so, FFRF believes itā€™s important to pursue the violations. If you know of any churches intervening in political campaigns, contact FFRF to send a letter on your behalf or visit our Churches and Political Lobbying Activities FAQ at to learn how to send a complaint to the IRS yourself.

ā€” By Maddie Ziegler 


Georgia district
flouts law

FFRF Staff Attorney Andrew Sei-del sent a follow-up letter July 12 to Houston County Schools in Perry, Ga., about egregious constitutional violations. FFRF has now been contacted by 8 families, each reporting multiple violations. (Along with the complaints were threats. A Warner Robins resident mentioned ā€œsticking guns in your mouths and blowing the backs of your god damn heads off.ā€) 

Reported violations include:

ā€¢ Prayers at school events, such as assemblies, ceremonies, and school council meetings. 

ā€¢ Administrators encouraging teachers to pray.

ā€¢ Teachers admitting, with pride, that ā€œwe (the teachers) did hold hands and have a prayer around the kids. It was lovely.ā€

ā€¢ Alma mater songs endorsing religious belief over nonbelief.

ā€¢ A recommended ā€œSummer Reading Programā€ including the violent Left Behind series by conservative End Times Pastor Tim LaHaye.

ā€¢ Religious imagery and bible quotes on school walls and websites.

ā€¢ Schools partnering with churches in close and troubling relationships. 

ā€¢ Mandating attendance at religious baccalaureate. 

Seidel has corroborated most of the claims. The 13 enclosures and more than 30 pages of evidence make it ā€œclear that there is a systemic lack of adherence to and respect for the First Amendment in Houston County Schools,ā€ he wrote. ā€œExtensive corrective measures, including training of all HCSD employees and administrators on the proper boundaries of the Establishment Clause, are imperative.ā€


Was she even Christian?

Atop Maiden Cliff in Camden Hills State Park and visible ā€œfor miles aroundā€ is a 24-foot-tall cross. FFRF Staff Attorney Andrew Seidelā€™s letter to Director Will Harris of the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands noted that ā€œthe cross has fallen or been blown down approximately five timesā€ and ā€œgovernment resources, including National Guard helicopters and the manpower of the Maine National Guard, local fire departments and Parks and Lands employees, were used to erect the cross on multiple occasions.ā€

Seidelā€™s letter asks Harris ā€œto remove the cross from state property immediately or direct the display be moved to a more appropriate private location.ā€ Local legend claims that the ā€œcross is meant to serve as a memorial to 11-year-old Elenora French, who fell from the cliff almost 150 years ago, in 1864.ā€

However, Seidelā€™s research revealed the girlā€™s actual grave has no Christian iconography. ā€œThe placement, size and visibility of the cross make it far more likely this display was not chosen to memorialize Elenora, but to associate the area and the state of Maine with the Christian religion.ā€


Other FFRF complaints:

ā€¢ The city of Draper, Utah, used at least $21,500 of city funds to pay for a worship concert starring Christian artist Michael W. Smith on his ā€œWonder, Worship, & Glory Tour.ā€ The city had backed off after a resident threatened to sue, then reversed itself.

FFRF followed up with an open records request to determine actual funding and coordination between Draper and the local Christian group that urged the city to bring Smith to town.  

ā€¢ A local complainant informed FFRF of the Richardson [Texas] Police Departmentā€™s ā€œThird Annual Faith-Based Crime Prevention Conference.ā€ Registration preference went to religious organizations over secular ones.

In his complaint, Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel noted (tongue only slightly in cheek), ā€œIf they are looking to reduce crime, the RPD would do better to police the churches rather than partner with them, especially the Catholic churches.ā€  

ā€¢ The Peach County Senior Citizens Center in Fort Valley, Ga., has illegally let staff lead prayers, bible readings and hymn singing. Federal regulations prohibit senior centers that receive federal funding from engaging in religious activities at government-sponsored functions such as meals.

ā€¢ The Century, Fla., Town Council budgeted money to buy ā€œa manger scene at town hall.ā€ Council President Ann Brooks ā€œbelieve[s] we all want a manger scene.ā€ The council has not yet replied to FFRFā€™s complaint.

Freedom From Religion Foundation