Fourth of July at Lake Hypatia

Alabama Freethought Association Hosts Freethinkers

Friend of Freedom” Awarded to Dedicated Alabama Freethinkers


George B. Whatley, M.D., with Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, holds his “Friend of Freedom” award (an inscribed Statuette of Liberty) presented by the Foundation.


The Cleveland family–Melody, Alice Shiver, Pat and Roger Cleveland–with their “Friend of Freedom” statuette. The Clevelands are the hardworking caretakers of Lake Hypatia Freethought Hall, a Foundation-owned building. They also have turned their beautiful private campgrounds into a freethought “advance, not retreat.” They are co-founders of the Alabama Freethought Association, a longstanding Foundation chapter.

The chapter’s annual July 4th event attracted 112 freethinkers from 19 states, and Australia.

Rachael Doughty of Alabama was surprised with a “Friend of Freedom” award. Rachael has been a longtime volunteer and officer with the Alabama Freethought Association and an activist for many progressive causes.


Alabama Freethought Association co-director Pat Cleveland with speaker Jo Ann Bell, director of the Oklahoma ACLU. Jo Ann talked about taking a lawsuit against religion in her public schools which resulted in personal reprisal in the 1980s, and led to her activism with her state ACLU.


Intrepid winners of the annual “atheist versus agnostic” softball tournament at Lake Hypatia: Michelle Michael, Diana Black, Chris McDougal, Rachael Doughty, all of Alabama, Mary Lamble, of Kentucky, and Kiev Spare, of Kansas. (Despite the tongue-in-cheek title, atheists, agnostics and skeptics of whatever stripe team up together.) The winners are holding “clean” (pre-In God We Trust) dollar bills donated compliments of Dill Henderson, Michigan.

Posing beside the evolution tree, donated by artist and Life Member Norman LeClair, is Hunter Nelson, of Alabama.


Foundation co-president Dan Barker, entertaining at the piano

At the registration table: Melody Cleveland and George B. Whatley, M.D.


Foundation member Bill Teague standing under his latest impressive donation to Lake Hypatia: a grillwork arch for Fearn Park, named in honor of the late Blanche Fearn, a Lake Hypatia booster. Bill’s handiwork beautifies many spots at Lake Hypatia.


Dedicating a new acquisition to enrich visitor views of Lake Hypatia: Pat Cleveland (center, cutting the ribbon). Beside her: Hunter Nelson (far left), George B. Whatley, M.D., of Alabama, and Clark Adams, of Nevada (right). The boat was purchased in memory of Randy Flynn.


Visiting Lake Hypatia for the first time, Ohio Foundation Life Members David Hague and Tammy Miller.

The Lakeside Pavilion designed by Roger Cleveland provides a cool, shady spot for group meals.


That’s Pat with an early cleanup load. (Pat is recovering from shoulder surgery, hence the sling.)

Wes, Pat and Roger’s grandson, 14, in the fabulous tree house he and his granddad recently built high off the ground at Lake Hypatia.


Freedom From Religion Foundation