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Meet a Member: Helping to fight religious fundamentalism: Henry (Hank) Zumach

Name: Henry (Hank) Zumach.

Where I live: Just south of La Crosse, Wis., on the Mississippi River.

Where and when I was born: La Crosse in 1942.

Family: Son Todd Zumach, daughter Kelly Johnson, 25-year domestic partnership with Betty Hammond.

Education: Bachelor’s degree from UW-La Crosse, with psychology and business administration majors, plus some master’s degree credits.

Occupation: Retired from careers working in human resources, teaching industrial safety laws and owning of residential roofing company.

Military service: Marine Corps.

Person in history I admire and why: Those who had the courage to confront bigotry and discrimination, including Anne Nicol Gaylor.

A quotation I like: “Always remember that silence gives consent.” ā€” U.S. Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina.

These are a few of my favorite things: Friends, biking, perennial gardening, supporting progressive political values.

These are not: Irrational political leaders, fundamentalist religious values.

My doubts about religion started: At age 12.

Before I die: I am glad to be working with FFRF to promote the Henry H. Zumach Award.

Ways I promote freethought: Co-founded the 150-member La Crosse Area Freethought Society, and founded the Henry H. Zumach Award.

Freedom From Religion Foundation