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FFRF Billboard Design Wins Local “Addy”

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is pleased to announce that Adams Outdoor Advertising in Madison, Wis., won a local “Addy Award” in March for the design of the Foundation’s new “Beware of Dogma” billboard. The phrase appears over a stained-glass window image. A second billboard, with the same motif, says “Imagine No Religion” and also promotes the Foundation and its website.

The Foundation, with kind assistance from local membership, has placed billboards in Madison, Wis., Atlanta, Chambersburg, Penn. (which has sparked the most controversy), and Columbus, Ohio. Contracts are signed to put up billboards in Denver and in Harrisburg. Penn., later in the year, and new sites in several states are being researched. The only resistance to date has been by one billboard company in Grand Rapids, Mich., which declined to work with the Foundation, citing conservative constituency.

“Members interested in helping us with our billboard campaign are encouraged to scout out good board sites in their area and contact leasers for preliminaries such as availability, traffic figures and costs,” suggests Annie Laurie Gaylor, Foundation copresident.

Freedom From Religion Foundation