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What is FFRF’s Purpose?

The history of Western civilization shows us that most social and moral progress has been brought about by persons free from religion.

In modern times, the first to speak out for prison reform, for humane treatment of the mentally ill, for abolition of capital punishment, for womenā€™s right to vote, for death with dignity for the terminally ill, and for the right to choose contraception, sterilization and abortion have been freethinkers, just as they were the first to call for an end to slavery.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation works as an umbrella for those who are free from religion and are committed to the cherished principle of separation of state and church. As FFRFā€™s principal founder Anne Gaylor noted, ā€œTo be free from religion is an advantage for individuals; it is a necessity for government.ā€

What is FFRF’s Purpose?

The purposes of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc., as stated in its bylaws, are to promote the constitutional principle of separation of state and church, and to educate the public on matters relating to nontheism.

Incorporated in 1978 in Wisconsin, FFRF is the nationā€™s largest freethought association with nearly 40,000 members: atheists, agnostics and skeptics of any pedigree. FFRF is a non-profit, tax-exempt, educational organization under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). All dues and contributions are deductible for income tax purposes.

Freedom From Religion Foundation