Days of the Theocracy by Kristin Lems (August 1996)

by Kristin Lems

First they fight abortion,
Birth control is next,
Then comes sex if you’re not married,
Finally, out goes sex.
Put the prayers back in the schools,
Install parochiaid,
Allow for corporal punishment,
And then you’ve got it made!

We’re going back, back
To the good old days,
When men were really men
And women knew their place;
Back, back a couple of centuries,
And welcome back the days
Of the theocracy!

The family is so holy
There must be no divorce.
And if a wife is not content,
She must adjust, of course.
And if he’s forced to beat her
It’s all for her own good;
She must know what her limits are
As any woman should!


The next to go is daycare,
It’s all a commie plot!
What could be more fulfilling
Than a child, wanted or not?
The woman’s work is housework–
God wanted it that way!
A salaried job degrades her, since
She never works for pay!


They teach us woman’s lot
Is love, honor and obey,
And while their crusty notions
Seem like jokes to us today.
They’re sitting in the Capitol,
They’re voting on our lives;
If we don’t stop them soon
Our freedom will not long survive!

No going back, back
to the bad old days,
When men were really masters
And women were their slaves;
Let’s go ahead, ahead
For future centuries
And build a world that’s based
On true democracy.
And build a world that’s based on true equality.

Ā©1979 Keline Ding Music (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission. Special courtesy Kristin Lems from her album “In the Out Door.”

Freedom From Religion Foundation