“One must choose between God and Man, and all ‘radicals’ and ‘progressives,’ from the mildest liberal to the most extreme anarchist, have in effect chosen Man.” …
Ricky Gervais
“It’s always better to tell the truth. The truth doesn’t hurt, and saying that, my mother only ever lied to me about one thing. She said there was a God. …
Dan Barker
“I threw out the bath water, and there was no baby there.” …
Kelda Roys
“Because I’m in a privileged position in so many ways, it’s even more important that I speak out and be open about being an atheist and a secular humanist. Anyone …
Michael Newdow
Mr. Chief Justice, and may it please the Court: Every school morning in the Elk Grove Unified School District’s public schools, government agents, teachers, funded with tax dollars, have their …
Ambrose Bierce
* Christian, n. One who believes that the New Testament is a divinely inspired book admirably suited to the spiritual needs of his neighbor. One who follows the teachings of …
Jon Steingard
“After growing up in a Christian home, being a pastor’s kid, playing and singing in a Christian band, and having the word ‘Christian’ in front of most of the things …
Daniel Henry Chamberlain
“I reject the whole Christian religion [and] a presiding or controlling Deity.” …
Alan Turing
“I am not very impressed with theological arguments whatever they may be used to support. Such arguments have often been found unsatisfactory in the past.” …