“Yes. They say you die just a little bit when you sneeze. And I’m kind of an atheist, but yet I will say that just in case.” …
Harrison Ford
“I admit that there are many gods in the world, and I’m happy that everybody has found something to believe in above themselves and organize some kind of morality around. …
Sidney Webb
“[False] generalizations [about socialism] are accordingly now to be met with only in leading articles, sermons, or the speeches of Ministers or Bishops.” …
Jack Ziegler
“Agnostic, I suppose, but it’s not something I ever think about. Raised Catholic, but stopped at age thirteen, when I realized what a load it was. Don’t like any religions …
Phillip Adams
“When I was five, I discovered I couldn’t believe in god. … She never answered my calls! My father was a professional god-botherer, my grandparents were Christians, I was surrounded …
Henry David Thoreau
“Your church is a baby-house made of blocks.” …
Pablo Neruda
“Like his father, Neruda was an atheist, and he felt an intuitive aversion to the mystical religions of Asia, which was later confirmed by his embrace of Communism, with its …
Mark Fisher
“The persistence of the fantasy that justice is guaranteed — a religious fantasy — wouldn’t have surprised the great thinkers of modernity. Theorists such as Spinoza, Kant, Nietzsche and Marx …
John Quincy Adams
“This young fellow, who was possessed of most violent passions, which he with great difficulty can command, and of unbounded ambition, which he conceals perhaps, even to himself, has been …