Emily Palmer Cape
“Cape was not your average socialite; she was an agnostic, a freethinker, and a self-described ‘suffragist.’ ” …
Bart Ehrman
“I try to respect everybody’s views [but] sometimes those very highly religious views can be socially extremely dangerous, because if you think that the cause is supernatural, then you don’t …
Denis Diderot
“The religion of Jesus Christ, announced by the ignorant, made the first Christians. The same religion, preached by savants and doctors, only makes unbelievers today.” …
Bob Geldof
“I actively disliked the Church and its institutionalized morality which I felt bedeviled Ireland.” …
Sean M. Carroll
“We are looking for a complete, coherent, and simple understanding of reality. Given what we know about the universe, there seems to be no reason to invoke God as part …
Neil deGrasse Tyson
“People cited violation of the First Amendment when a New Jersey schoolteacher asserted that evolution and the Big Bang are not scientific and that Noah’s ark carried dinosaurs. This case …
Carl Brandes
“He published translations from Sanskrit and also Danish versions of Isaiah (1902), Psalms (1905), Job, and Ecclesiastes (1907). However, he openly professed atheism and had no connection with Jewish affairs.” …
Vitaly Ginzburg
“I am, and always have been, an atheist, but I think that to be — or not to be — religious is a fundamental human right. It is, however, a …