“Reason, too, was sin; the greatest of all sins, for it questioned God’s very existence, tried to understand what was not meant to be understood. Why it was not meant …
Roe v. Wade Issued
“This right of privacy, whether it be founded in the Fourteenth Amendment’s concept of personal liberty and restrictions upon state action, as we feel it is, or, as the District …
Helen H. Gardener
“I do not know of any divine commands. I do know of most important human ones. I do not know the needs of a god or of another world.” …
Fred Whitehead
“Far from being marginalized, as is presently the case, nineteenth-century freethought was a social movement at the core of our national life.” …
Bill Maher
“When I hear from people that religion doesn’t hurt anything, I say, really? Well besides wars, the Crusades, the Inquisitions, 9-11, ethnic cleansing, the suppression of women, the suppression of …
King Jr., Martin Luther (Federal Holiday)
“I endorse it. I think it was correct. Contrary to what many have said, it sought to outlaw neither prayer nor belief in God. In a pluralistic society such as …
Julian Barnes
“It is a bizarre thought that in this presidential cycle we could have had a woman in the White House, we might have a black man in the White House, …
Auguste Comte
“Daily experience shows that the ordinary morality of religious men is not, at present, in spite of our intellectual anarchy, superior to that of the average of those who have …
Edgar Allan Poe
“Let us begin, then, at once, with that merest of words, ‘Infinity.’ This, like ‘God,’ ‘spirit,’ and some other expressions of which the equivalents exist in all languages, is by …