“Cecilia Gentili is an atheist. But God won’t give up on her. Unfortunately, neither will Satan.” …
Oksana Shachko
“From this moment on, I began to reflect on what religion and faith mean to a human being. I found an answer, and it was atheism.” …
John Lydon (Johnny Rotten)
“ ‘Hark the herald angels sing’ is not a concept I can believe in. It’s a foolishness and therefore I think the only people who truly really do respect life …
Rupert Hughes
“I do not believe in a Santa Claus for grown-ups, and I do not believe that the vast number of church-people are doing the world any good by promulgating false …
Olof Palme
“The American politicians have a ridiculous moral argument. They teach children and the public to believe in God because in their opinion the existence of God is necessary to assure …
Jack Germond
“In the interests of full disclosure, I must note that although I was brought up as a Protestant, I have been an atheist my entire adult life. I do not …
Saul Alinsky
“If you think you’ve got an inside track to absolute truth, you become doctrinaire, humorless and intellectually constipated. The greatest crimes in history have been perpetrated by such religious and …
Edward Paul Abbey
“Whatever we cannot easily understand we call God; this saves much wear and tear on the brain tissues.” …
Freethinkers Day
Freethinkers Day celebrates the life of Thomas Paine, born on today’s date in 1737 (see entry on this page). The day educates the public about Paine’s work and about freethinking, …