“The Lord made Adam. The Lord made Eve. He made them both a little bit naive. They lived as free as the summer breeze, Without pajamas and without chemise, Until …
James Joyce
“My mind rejects the whole present social order and Christianity — home, the recognised virtues, classes of life and religious doctrines.” …
Ayn Rand
“The human race has only two unlimited capacities: one for suffering and one for lying. I want to fight religion as the root of all human lying and the only …
Yevgeny Zamyatin
“The Diogenes lamp of skepticism was lit for me at the age of twelve. It was lit by a strapping second-grader. The shiner — blue, violet, and red — burned …
Langston Hughes
Listen, Christ, You did alright in your day, I reckon— But that day’s gone now. They ghosted you up a swell story, too, Called it Bible— But it’s dead now. …
Terry Jones
There are Jews in the world, there are Buddhists, There are Hindus and Mormons and then There are those that follow Mohammed, but I’ve never been one of them. I’m …
Barry Duke
“Since [1950s John Birch Society claims], War on Christmas reports have simply become a silly festive season tradition, generating more mirth than fury. All are intended to reinforce the belief …
Megan Phelps-Roper
“I don’t really believe in God anymore. I don’t like to say I’m not a believer, because I’m a believer in a lot of things, primarily hope, and grace and …
Peter Sagal
LEE HALE: “Do you find yourself ever thinking about God?” SAGAL: “Relatively infrequently? I’m enamored of science and the scientific method and, you know, the deeper you go into that, …