“Nature is what we know. We do not know the gods of religions. And nature is not kind, or merciful, or loving. If God made me — the fabled God …
Sikivu Hutchinson
“The white fundamentalist Christian stranglehold on Southern and Midwestern legislatures has proven to be a national cancer that further exposes the dangerous lie of a God-based, biblical morality.” …
Lydia Maria Child
“It is impossible to exaggerate the evil work theology has done in the world.” …
Leslie Nielsen
“There’s an old saying that God exists in your search for him. I just want you to understand that I ain’t looking.” …
George H. Smith
“Reason is not one tool of thought among many, it is the entire toolbox.” …
Larry Adler
“In accordance with Larry’s wishes — he was an inveterate atheist who refused to recognise the supernatural in any shape or form — there were no religious observances.” …
Eliza Lynn Linton
“I see no light behind that terrible curtain. I do not think one religion better than another, and I think the Christian religion has brought far more misery, crime, and …
Aletta Jacobs
“As a freethinker, she belonged to no organized religious community and disliked religion of any kind.” …
Alice Walker
“It is chilling to think that the same people who persecuted the wise women and men of Europe, its midwives and healers, then crossed the oceans to Africa and the …