BILL MAHER: What religion are you?ARMISEN: I’m an atheist. …
Thomas Carlyle
“I have for many years strictly avoided going to church or having anything to do with Mumbo-Jumbo.”“We know nothing. All is, and must be, utterly incomprehensible.” …
Samuel Butler
“Prayers are to men as dolls are to children. They are not without use and comfort, but it is not easy to take them very seriously.” …
Julianne Moore
“She says she doesn’t believe in God and has a strong sense that meaning is imposed on a chaotic world. ‘I learned when my mother died five years ago that …
Joseph Conrad
“The ethical view of the universe involves us at last in so many cruel and absurd contradictions, where the last vestiges of faith, hope, charity, and even of reason itself, seem …
Kristin Lems
Days of the Theocracy First they fight abortion, Birth control is next, Then comes sex if you’re not married, Finally, out goes sex. Put the prayers back in the schools, …
T.C. Boyle
“Many people in our society — and I’m one of them — have given up religion for science, because science is demonstrable. I can drop that grape on the ground …
Sarah Silverman
“I just think of myself as a comedian, really. I mean, I talk about being Jewish a lot. It’s funny because I do think of myself as Jewish ethnically, but …
John Toland
“Virtue alone is enough to live happily and brings its own reward.” …